The Story So Far

swim against the current or go with the flow?

If, I am, as Henry Ford once said,
”the master of my fate and the captain of my soul”,
then how can I allow myself to go with the flow?

The next person who tells me to calm down and let things take its course will probably be met with my fist or an apologetically rude eye-roll.

thank you, internet.

thank you, internet.

I mean, not only is the 'advice' unoriginal, it is also completely overused and lazy. I know, I know, I've used it too but I know better now to shut up than say something meaningless. 

There must be two different schools of thought here - one, to fight for what you deserve, and the other to sit back and let life take its course - and depending on how I feel, I subscribe to both. For the things that are way too difficult, I like handing it over to Life, sit back and kinda say, "Not my problem now. Make it happen! You go, guuurl!" Highly responsible, I know. But I usually reserve that course of action for those vague, feels-out-of-my-control situations, which as life would have it, sometimes happen. 

Anyway, today, I'm feeling shitty and no, I don't want to "go with the flow." I don't want to "wait it out and see how things go." I want actions to be taken, changes to happen. I want to stop 'leaving things to fate' and have to literally, sit and wait. 

Because it's boring as fuck. It's tiring, ironically. It's...not me. How long can we just keep floating along the rivers, hoping it'll take us somewhere better? How long can we go aimlessly without a direction? 

Answer? 3 months. That's how long I have allowed it to happen. 

It seemed blissful for awhile. Waiting it out, wishing and hoping for something more. But a river is just a river and if you're looking for something bigger, you're gonna have to paddle your own canoe. Of course, you can choose not to do anything and just let the days pass you by with the sorry excuse that you're just leaving to fate. You do that.

But fuck no, not me.