February Lessons for Learning
This month has been both tough and easy - I'll explain.
I've been dwelling quite a bit on subjects, questions and books that once seemed too far out of my comfort zone. Topics on mindfulness, fear, failure, letting go and generally not being an asshole (but as told by a Buddhist nun and monk). To be honest, it started because the previous answers and actions I applied to my life weren't working. And I was tired of repeating the same old patterns in a series of fuck-ups. So here I am.
1. The less you resist, the easier the lessons are.
2. Even tough the lessons are learned easily, the practice is still tough.
3. You can have regrets. It's not about a clean slate, it's about taking those mistakes and holding them with a form of rawness and vulnerability, sharing with others so we know we're not alone in how we feel and are able to acknowledge we all make mistakes.
4. You are not defined by your failure. Mucking up doesn't change the core of who you are.
5. Everything is an experiment: our beliefs will hold us back and being creatures of comfort doused in a bucket of anxiety, that belief is often "everything and everyone is a threat." But if you were able to look at all the things that scare you and think, "this is an experiment. I will sit with this and see how I feel about it", you're making progress.
6. Breathe. Every hour, take two minutes to walk away and breathe.
7. Set limits and boundaries for the space you allow others to occupy - in your mind and in your time.
8. Ask:
- for what you want
- the right people and just watch doors open
- even when you’re afraid
- to learn and be better
- for help
- yourself what your intentions are
- yourself on how to deal with things better
- the tough questions and don’t be afraid of the answers
Recommended read: Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better by Pema Chöndrön
Currently playing: Mahalia