April Lessons for Learning
1. People should be loved or liked for who they are, not what they do. This applies to those who claim to love you too.
2. The only person you're meant to be pleasing is yourself, and that is such a difficult thing to put into practice or even believe. Our lives are so entangled with others and it's difficult not to hurt others. Find your compromise and balance, Lynette.
3. Don't confuse changing who you are for someone else, as love.
4. Endings are not meant to vilify the others. They're you choosing a different path for yourself.
5. Choose what moves you forward.
6. Even our heroes hurt.
7. Buy proper shoes! (No, this has nothing to do with the lesson above.)
8. Allow and accept change. Especially when it comes to the people you care about.
9. Treat every new thing as an experiment.
10. Respect your mind & soul's need for some me-time.