The Story So Far

May Lessons for Learning

1. Your therapist isn't your friend. This means, they'll be honest as hell, which could hurt but we all deserve that truth slap in the face sometimes. 

2. Take time to reflect on the truths that hurt you.

3. Don't be a dick when you're with family.

4. Who someone is, is not what the person does. It's a little difficult to understand because so much of what we do makes up who we are but you can't form your conclusions based on one-off actions or moments. 

5. Don't blame others for the choices you didn't make when you had the opportunity to do so. 

6. The more input you have, the happier you'll be with the outcome. 

7. Getting someone to understand anxiety and what's in your head is near impossible, especially if the person is not suffering the same things you are. It is not your duty or burden to explain it to them. It never is. 

8. Be assertive. Set boundaries.

9. You get to decide, everyday, if this is the life, the career, the body you want. Nobody chooses happiness for you.

10. Happiness can be learned.

11. Change, accept or leave. When your present is a shitstorm or just an uncomfortable space, when you're dealing with a difficult situation or person, there are only three things to choose from. Change what you can, ask for the help you need to change things. Accept that you can't control every single thing, and if neither are possible, leave.

12. Try to live a life of non-contention. 

13. Send flowers. Meditate.

14. "If we must both be right, we will lose each other." - Nayyirah Waheed

15. Try your hardest to let go.