The Story So Far

August Lessons for Learning

August felt like a lot of tiny heartbreaks - the kind you brush off quickly and rise up again but kinda sorta never forget. So, I'm learning to let go in September.

momentoria launch

But in this month, I was taught the one painful truth and lesson:

You can't have, do or be everything.


And that's okay.

Well, at least after a ten minute cry, it's okay.


Wait, there's one more thing: if and when you can, surround yourself with the people, activities and scenes you love. For me, August was quite a lot of that, despite the heartbreak. Two of my highlights were seeing Krista Tippett LIVE at Enmore Theatre (thanks to The School of Life) and attending the launch of Momentoria by the talented and beautiful souls at FlutterLyon

I highly recommend checking out both.