July Lessons for Learning
I didn't do a very good job with my lessons last month, did I? It wasn't because there was nothing left to learn. I did have a list. I did write things down. A lot of them did feel very foolish but lesson learned...
image by dallasclayton
So here goes:
1. You don't have to like what everyone else likes, especially if they like espresso martinis.
2. You also don't have to like WHO everyone else likes.
3. And be fine with standing up for someone others don't know enough to judge, but often do. If revealing the truth gets you out of "the group", you never wanted to be in it anyway. Plus, your future self will thank you.
4. Please be kinder with your body.
5. Silence is more a place than it is a non-sound. Carve out those moments. Find your quiet space and stay for a few minutes. Return whenever the world gets too much, as it often does.
6. Take time to write these things down and more importantly, don't be afraid of sharing them.
7. Socialising is not scary... although sometimes, highly un-enjoyable.
8. Don't hit snooze. You always regret it.
9. Prioritise the things that are important to YOU, not the world. If that means having a two hour nap on the weekend over writing these lines, take the fucking nap! You'll be able to finally function like a normal person again.
10. "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." - Anne Lamott
11. Evenings out are just as wonderful as evenings in.
12. Go for events alone if they resonate with you. You don't need a crew, you fucking snowflake.
13. Don't wait for someone else to create the space, life, relationship, body or even workplace of your dreams. If you have the means, start something amazing.
14. Others will often deem pubs, nights out and crowds as "fun" and you as "boring." Remember that labels are more indicative of the people who use them than the person its directed towards.
15. Try not to be reactive when others shove their form of fun down your throat. Politely reject. Or school the fuck out of them. Choose the former whenever possible.
16. Apologise sooner rather than later.
17. You are not your mistakes so don't be afraid to admit and own up to your parts. Then, move on.
18. Stretch. Few things will make you feel better.
19. Actually read the books you buy!
20. You don't need that second cup of coffee.
21. The future will still be waiting, carrying its own worries and the past doesn't need any more episode reruns on that fight you never had or thing you never said but wish you did. You're here now and that's really all you need to be.
22. If you forget your phone at home, leave it. The world won't end.
23. Say things your 24-year-old self would find uncomfortable, especially if they are made of the words "I" and "love" and "you."