Lessons for Learning
a series inspired by Anis Mojgani's monthly lessons for self.
April, May, June and July
1. With family, there is always acceptance, strength and love. Always.
2. The definition of 'family' is entirely up to you. Pick wisely.
3. Honesty begets honesty. Mostly.
4. Learn to deal with difficult things better, Lynette.
5. Say all important things. No matter how scary they seem, no matter how vulnerable they make you feel.
6. Say them for the peace in your heart and most times, for the peace in the heart and minds of others too.
7. Be here, now.
8.You have to try. Even on the toughest days. Especially on those days.
9. Let yourself be happy.
10. Read more. Be open.
11. Be aware of what you are learning, especially from people we unconsciously assign as teachers (parents, mentors. etc) - know that they too are only human, be aware of their actions. Be selective about what you choose to take away.
12. Hug harder. Hug often.
13. Remember that not every unpleasant response / situation / day is your fault. Rethink your shitty feeling and the cause of it. Stop beating yourself up silly.
14. "What Is" is boring. "What Could Be" is interesting. That drive is part of our nature, and as soon as you make peace with the fact, you stop beating yourself up and get going. - Hugh Macleod
15. Keep believing in good things.