What a Raisin Taught Me About Mindfulness
I usually hate raisins. They are PRETEND chocolate chips that when you bite into them are like, "HA. GRAPE JOB THINKING I'M SOME CHOCOLATE CHIP!" (Geddit?? I sense the eye roll. Go away).
Anyway, I digress.
Scene: The School of Life Classroom, Mindfulness Class
(For the purpose of not ruining the session for future students, this little version of the story is not a 100% of how it plays out)
Facilitator (F): Hold the raisin in your hand. Look at it. Now, roll it between your fingers…
My mind (MM): Ohmygod, do I have to eat this? Germs. Germs. Gross.
F: Okay, now put in your mouth, don’t chew it yet.
MM: AAAAH. Is this how I die?
F: Just feel its texture.
After what feels like an eternity. “Okay, now chew.”
MM: Fuck. me. dead. This is THE tastiest raisin I’ve ever had.
HOW. WHY. WHAT. HOW. WHO. Patience, my young padawan. The answer will be revealed.
YAS. Mindfulness - that's the answer.
Honestly, if anyone said the word before this, I'd cringe. It reminds me of some cashier at an overpriced organic store telling me how this sesame seed will awaken my senses and bring forth new light.
Why did I sign up for this?
The night before I had a dream that I was seated here and it was too much, I ran out the door. I was afraid the dream was about to come true.
It didn’t.
The thing about the raisin was a lesson and an example of mindfulness, and mindfully eating. It really changes the experience. While we don’t have 238913i10 hours a day to enjoy every single little thing with that amount of effort, it sure is nice to pause for a moment and literally, savour a raisin. BECAUSE WHO DOES THAT?!
Try it next time you’re eating your favourite food like these stock image women and their salads.
Anyway, olives aside, really look at the colours, textures, breathe in the smell, feel it if you like, hold it in your mouth (ooh where am I going with this sorta sexual reference), and lick, suck, chew or whatever you do with your favourite food. The point is: reaaaaalllyyyy take your time.
Too many of us run on autopilot. We wake up and we know what they day’s going to be like, we go from one place to another, mostly ‘doing’, hardly ‘being’. While it’s not a ‘bad’ thing, it’s unhealthy. Sure, it gets us places and we get things done but how many of us have sunk into our couches at the end of the day, thinking, “Fuck. Today was hard.” (and had a long cry). Putcho’ hands up!
And it isn’t just that, it’s trying so hard for so long that you’re no longer able to see anything outside this situation you’re in - no matter what it may be. Mindfulness allows for us to pay attention, on purpose, in the present moment, without judgement.
It’s stepping out of your personal shit storm and observing as a stranger, being able to see that the dark clouds are actually clearing and that there are still flowers growing. Beautiful things that withstand the scary bits. And being okay with all of that.
It’s not just for the tough moments either, although mindfulness does build resilience because it teaches you to detach yourself from those moments and see them for what they really are. It’s also for those moments in the day where your mind is running wild with an unfinished list, being able to sit and really breathe. We don’t afford ourselves this simple pleasure.
As I bit into the raisin and really tasted it, I didn’t want it to be over. NO, RAISIN, DON’T GO. I.WILL.NOT.SWALLOW. WHYYYY ARE YOU SO TINY???!
But like everything else, it had to end - which isn’t a terrible thing. Especially when you’ve truly, thoroughly, wholeheartedly enjoyed it.
Ah, mindfulness.